17 March 2022

Global Recycling Day, Lucart gives a preview of its 2021 Sustainability Report

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On the occasion of Global Recycling Day on 18 March 2022, Lucart is pleased to unveil the new environmental targets achieved through the Natural Project, a preview of what the Group's stakeholders will find in the 2021 Sustainability Report.

Natural Project is the virtuous and award-winning circular economy endeavour that separates Tetra Pack-type beverage cartons into their component parts, namely cellulose fibres, polyethene and aluminium. Thanks to cutting-edge processes and technologies, the cellulose fibres are then converted into Fiberpack®, an innovative material used in the production of paper products such as Grazie Natural, the 100% ecological toilet paper line.

In the 2013-2021 period, considering the tons of Fiberpack® paper produced through the Natural Project, Lucart has contributed to:

  • Recover more than 7,6 billion beverage cartoons1, equivalent to a distance equal 44 times travelling around the Earth2

  • Avoid using more than 3,3 million trees3, equivalent to an area of more than 11.200 football fields

  • Prevent more than 195.000 tons of CO24 emitted into the atmosphere

From aluminium and polyethene, Lucart obtains two other materials, Al.Pe.® and GranPlast. The former is used by external partners to produce paper dispensing systems; the latter, a special plastic granule produced in the Diecimo plant, is transferred to Newpal SpA, a joint venture between Lucart and CPR System, for the production of high-quality pallets in recycled plastic. The recent creation of Newpal S.p.A. thus makes it possible to completely close the recycling loop of beverage containers, creating major benefits for the environment and new business opportunities.

1Considering 1-litre beverage cartons
2Considering the cartons stacked one on top of the other
3United Nations Environment Programme, Report 2011: Towards a Green Economy
4European Union Life Cyrcle Database (ELCD)